もう10月だ!時が過ぎ去る速さに驚きませんか?一番好きな季節は秋なので上機嫌です^^ さて、本日の作品は、秋らしい色彩を持ったモダンなお部屋の3Dレンダーです。近所で撮った彼岸花(曼珠沙華)の写真をデジタル加工し、真っ白な壁と赤・黄色・オレンジ・黒をアクセントカラーにした空間に飾ってみました。選定した家具群はトレンドとなっているものばかりで、インテリアサイトで詳細を記載する予定です。
It’s October already! How time flies. I thought I’d celebrate the first day of this glorious month with a new 3D virtual room render. Here’s a contemporary room with sparkling white walls and polished grey granite floors serving as the perfect space for a trio of digital art in autumn hues.
The walls are decorated with digital paintings of red spider lilies (Lycoris radiata), a plant in the amaryllis family. It flowers in early autumn. It is also known as “hurricane lily” or “resurrection lily”, because a heavy rainfall often causes the plant to flower. In Japan the red spider lily is called “higanbana” or “manjushage”, and signals the arrival of fall.
I like how the brightly-hued petals come out after a hard rain, like a symbol of hope: there is life after the storm! BTW, I took the lily photos on which these pieces are based at a park in my neighborhood.
I love the selection of contemporary furniture I picked out for this room; I plan to write about them on my interior decor site soon.
Trio of Resurrection Lilies prints are available here.