長野県飯綱市で見つけた小さな吊り橋。ゆれていて渡るのはちょっと怖かったが楽しかった!^^ 言葉は、「橋に到達もしないで、橋を渡ろうとするな」(今から心配しても仕方ない)ということわざに対し遊びの意味で書いてみました:「橋を渡るのなら楽しもう!」と。
A small, wooden suspension bridge made of logs and rope. A bit scary to cross but lots of fun! I took the photo at Iizuna, Nagano, Japan on a clear autumn afternoon. I added paper textures for a vintage look. The quote I came up with says “Let’s cross the bridge and have fun while we’re at it”; it’s a play on the proverb “Don’t cross the bridge before you get to it”.
Prints are available.
Customizable postcards and greeting cards are also available.
If you’d like a different proverb or saying please send me a message. I’ll customize the image for you for free.
Whoa. Scary looking bridge indeed!
Yeah, it was rather scary–it swayed with each step! Good thing it’s just a toy bridge of sorts.